Who are Water Filters Online?
The Water Filters Online brand was originally created in 2005 by Aqua Dynamics, an Importer/wholesaler Distributor of Water Treatment Equipment, who back then was in the start-up stages of their business plan. As they started to grow and become more successful (now they are one of the largest importers/distributors in the NZ water treatment Industry) , they looked to sell the online business to concentrate solely on Wholesale and Distribution. So in 2012, they sold the website and it's branding to a hardworking Husband and Wife partnership who although new to the industry, saw an increasing demand for Eccommerce sites. Over the next few years there were a few site rebrands, but over this learning period what the management did see very clearly is what most people want when they order online.They want a good product, at a good price, and they want it quickly.

At Water Filters Online there has always been a strong focus on:
Why are Water Filters Online products priced so good?
This is a common question, and it has nothing to do with the quality of the products being sold. Water Filters Online have only ever had and still continue to have only only 2 suppliers for all of their 1000+ products, which is a loyalty which has allowed them to forge a special relationship with their long standing suppliers. Their suppliers have combined 60 years experience trading.
The reason that prices are generally cheaper that what you would see in a Brick and Mortar shop is that Water Filters Online is an online store, so has very little overhead expenditure, which allows them to reduce their profit margins below what is normal considered standard. In a shop, whether or not you are selling products or not, there are multiple cost involved with simply keeping the front door open (power, wages, rent). So, it is definately not a case of the Brick and Mortar Pool Shops ripping people off, but rather a case of Water Filters Online simply costing less to run (If a Retail Shop is a V8 SuperCar, then Water Filters Online is a Hybrid model).